Donnerstag, 23. November 2017

Liam Payne vs. Jason DeRulo

Vor einigen Wochen gab es in einer US-Show ein Rap-Battle zwischen Liam Payne und Jason DeRulo!
Die beiden warfen sich gegenseitig Beleidigungen an den Kopf, verstehen sich aber in Wirklichkeit total gut miteinander!
Am Ende kürte das Publikum Liam zum Sieger!
Jason begann damit, Liam als das langweilige One-Direction-Mitglied zu benennen. Zudem hätte er nur Erfolg, weil er mit einer ehemaligen "The X Factor" (UK) - Jurorin (Cheryl) schlafe. Außerdem sei ihm der heißeste Liam von allen angekündigt worden - aber Liam Hemsworth sei gar nicht da! Daraufhin rappte Liam darüber, dass Jason immer seinen Namen in seinen Songs singe, weil man ihn nicht kenne, und dass er so klingen wolle wie The Weeknd. Zudem seien seine Songtitel sehr einfallslos.
In der zweiten Runde erklärte Jason, dass Liams einziger Erfolg sei, mit einer älteren Frau Sex zu haben, während seine Musik erfolglos sei und sich so anhöre wie die Songs, die Jasons selbst nicht mit auf ein Album nehme. Dann lüpfte er noch sein Shirt und sagte, Liam mache andauernd halbnackte Selfies, aber nur Jason selbst solle sich so ablichten lassen, da er den besseren Körper habe. Darauf entgegnete Liam, dass ältere Frauen ihn lieben würden, besonders Jasons Mutter, denn er hätte einen Schwanz, der die Frauen verrückt macht.
In der dritten Runde ging Jason dann noch einmal aufs Ganze und sagte, an Liams Stelle hätte er die anderen Mitglieder von One Direction angefleht, die Band bestehen zu lassen, damit seine Karriere nicht ende, und dass der Name seines Sohnes (Bear Payne) bestimmt nicht gut bei den anderen Kindern in der Schule ankomme. Zum Schluss rappte er noch, dass alles, was Liam brauche, Talent und ein langer schwarzer Schwanz sei! Daraufhin reagierte Liam damit, dass Jasons Songs und Videos alle schlecht wären und er kein Talent hätte.
Hier der Link zum Video: 

Und hier der komplette Songtext zum Battle:
A'ight, Josh. Ay, hit me off with something crazy, bro

[Round 1: Jason]
Hey, look, everybody, it's the guy from 1D
Not the pretty one, not the gritty one, it's the one you never see
And you bone an X-Factor judge, your success is no riddle
Congrats to you, Liam, you slept your way to the middle
And I was told I was spitting the hottest Liam on Earth
So I'm still wondering, where the hell is Liam Hemsworth?
After this battle, you gon' be callin' yo' ma-ma
You definitely can't spit, but you can Swalla-la-la

[Beatboxer Josh Silverstein]

Well, I mean, what are we gonna do about that, Josh?

[Round 1: Liam]
Hwey! C'mon, yeah, yes, yes, yes
I hoped I would battle somebody with fame
Not Jason who though, no one knows your name
I remember hearing you first on "Whatcha Say?"
Trying to be The Weeknd, you're more like a weekday
And now you went vegan, seems wrong
You don't butcher animals, but you'll butcher your songs
"Wiggle" and "Swalla," your singles went gold
Who names your songs, a six-year-old?

Ay, Josh! Give me something crazy, bro! I want something crazy, bro!

[Round 2: Jason]
Your biggest win is havin' an older woman
But holla at ya boy when you sell a hunnid million
Those are some numbers that actually pay
And your first single sounds like one of my throw-aways
And you take shirtless selfies like you a clown
But I'm the only one that should be strippin' it down
This boy right here, he's not worthy to me
But at least I get to tell his mom to talk dirty to me

Uh, Jason?

You leave Karen Payne alone! She's a saint! Hit me with that beat, Josh

[Round 2: Liam]
Yes, my girlfriend is older, ya ain't wrong
Older women love me, especially your mom
Making fun of One Direction, Jason, that's lazy
I got that one D that'll make a lady crazy
You're attacking the things that I did as a kid
Made a song called "Get Ugly," then you actually did
You here to take me out? Well, I wish you good luck
You finally answer the question, "what if D'Angelo sucked?"

[Round 3: Jason]
So, if I were you, Liam, I would've begged my friends
To stay in One Direction so my career wouldn't end
I told my friends who I'm battlin', they said, "Who's that?"
So I Googled you, and no results came back
Your son's name is Bear Payne, yeah, that's cool
I'm sure that'll go well with the kids in high school
But you're my son, you wish you was me
All you need is some talent and a long, black D

Let's finish this kid off, 'cause I'm bo--I'm bored

I gotchu

Oooh, ooh

[Round 3: Liam]
Hey, ho, ah
If people like "Swalla," trust me, they lie
To release that, you had to "swalla" your pride
Say your name on every song to make sure you get credit
Like anyone hears that shit, and would lie that they did it
I ain't impressed with your dancin', I ain't impressed with your flow
You got a song called "Trumpets," 'cause you actually blow
When I watch your music videos, I just want them to end
There's nothin' I wouldn't do, so you never sing again

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